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Nooraniyyah Course for Children 2024-25

By Izzah Learning Center


Assalamu Alykum Dear Community Members, We are excited to announce that a few spots remain available for the “Advanced Nooraaniyyah” course for children (10-13y old). All waitlisted students have been contacted, and registration is now open to the public. The class takes place every Saturday from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The course will cover … Continued

Nooraniyyah Course For Adults 2024-25

By Izzah Learning Center


Assalamu Alykum Dear Community Members, We are excited to announce that a few spots remain available for the “Beginner Nooraaniyyah” course for adults. All waitlisted students have been contacted, and registration is now open to the public. The class will take place every Wednesday and Friday from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, starting on September … Continued