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By Izzah Learning Center


Assalamu Alaykum Dear Izzah Community,

The programs will run for three sessions ( Fall, Winter and Spring), from October 30th – May 28th, 2024 IN PERSON.
Day & Time : Every Wednesday 5:15-7:15pm
* Fall Session : Oct 30 – Dec 18
* Winter Session: Jan 8 – Feb 26
* Spring Session: April 9 – May 28

This is a special program offered for our young sisters’ ages 7-11yrs

We strive to develop their interest in learning Islam and understanding its teachings. The program aims to install the love of Allah (swt) & His messenger (saw) in the girls’ hearts and increase their commitment to living Islam despite the present day challenges facing young Muslim sisters.

Below are some of the topics and activities covered in Izzah Pearls Program: 

  • Islamic Studies related to correct beliefs/Aqeedah, pillars of faith and Islam,
  • Increase in Islamic knowledges ( tafseer, stories of the Prophets & companions)
  • Recreational and social activities to develop friendships and strengthen sisterhood.
  • Character development ( respect, responsibility, kindness, honesty, justice, confidence, etc)
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Plus much more!

If you’d like you register your daughter(s), please fill out this form :…/1FAIpQLSe3NB7IOvXMCL…/viewform

Program fee is:$85 each session ($255 for the three sessions)

Payments can be made by e-transfer or in person (cash, cheque or debit) during our office hours

The payment is required to finalize the registration.

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